Support groups and advice lines/websites for children/teens 

When you speak with a healthcare professional initially about your concerns, you should be pointed in the direction of relevant support/therapies for your child/teenager, but if you are seeking an alternative form of support or seeking something new or different, then hopefully our non exhaustive list will provide some help. 



  • Facebook groups 

Children's Mental Health Matters 

teen mental health support group (UK)

Teen Emotional & Mental Health Support Group 


  • Kooth 

safe, anonymous online community and counselling for young people 


  • Useful contacts for 11 to 18 year old's 

If your feeling overwhelmed or like you want to hurt yourself, help is below: 

Hopeline - phone 0800 068 4141

Smararitans - phone 116 123 

Shout text line - text SHOUT to 85258


  • Feeling like you may attempt suicide or have seriously hurt yourself - this is an emergency 

call an ambulance on 999 or speak to a trusted adult or friend that will call 999 on your behalf 



  • Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)

0800 58 58 58